Generali, initial proceedings of 2018 Shareholders’ Meeting accessible to all via streaming
11 April 2018 - 11:00
Trieste – For the first time, Generali will transmit via streaming part of the proceedings of the 2018 Shareholders’ Meeting, scheduled for 19 April in Trieste, which includes the initial reports of the Chairman, Group CEO, and Group CFO.
The Shareholders’ Meeting is one of the principal opportunities for corporate communication and Generali wishes to reach a wider and more inclusive audience of shareholders and stakeholders who cannot travel to the Trieste office to participate, allowing them to benefit from all the content of the introductory reports.
The live-stream will start at 9:00 and will last approximately two hours, concluding when the aforementioned reports have been presented. The service, which puts Generali at a global level of excellence, includes simultaneous translation in English, German, French, and Spanish.
The approach is consistent with Generali's “simpler, smarter and faster” strategy, which is highly focused on digital development and seeks to increasingly integrate technology into the business. These tools permit the growing involvement of small investors, which represent the most numerous component of the shareholder base, or more than 220,000 people.
The service requires that shareholders register in advance; some minimum identification data will be requested, including an e-mail address, to which the credentials to access the service will be sent.
We recommend that shareholders register as soon as possible, following the procedure that can be accessed through the link at in the section “Go to streaming”.