Charter of Sustainability Commitments
In 2017 the Board of Directors of Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. approved the Charter of Sustainability Commitments, renewing the Group’s commitment to all of its stakeholders.

Our sustainability vision is that of:
contributing towards the creation a healthy, resilient and sustainable society where people can develop and flourish. This is how we live our role as a corporate citizen, creating long-term value for our stakeholders. This vision is based on two pillars: run a sustainable business, pursuing excellence in our internal processes, and live the community, playing an active role where we operate, beyond our day-to-day business.
Thanks to our in-depth dialogue with our internal and external stakeholders and with the top management, eight priorities have been defined:
- Respond to the megatrends which shape our business and society
- Be the first choice of our clients
- Value our distributors
- Contribute to the dialogue on sustainability in the financial community
- Build an inspiring work environment to our people
- Offer an unrivalled service together with our contractual partners
- Achieve a tangible impact in our communities
- Be trusted as a committed corporate citizen