Stakeholder engagement
The map identifies the main categories of stakeholders - both internal and external to the Group. In particular, we considered stakeholders for whom the Group has responsibility, as well as those that can influence performance. Their proximity, significance and authority were also considered.
For each group of stakeholders are listed the main channels for listening and dialogue, mapping the activities carried out by various corporate departments with the aim of understanding needs and expectations, communicating the results achieved and programmes promoted to ensure the sustainable development. Responsibility for the relationship with the various stakeholders is widespread throughout the entire Group and it is an element that requires constant monitoring as part of our day-to-day activities.

Method of dialogue
- Brand surveys and surveys to monitor satisfaction levels
- Market research
- Dialogue with consumer associations
- Communication channels dedicated to clients (web, chat, email and freephone number)
- Interviews on the relevance of material issues
Agents and Distributors
- Satisfaction surveys
- Roadshows with sales networks
- National and local meetings and conventions
- Workshops
- Channels of communication dedicated to agents and distributors (web, chat and email)
- Interviews on the relevance of material issues
- Global Engagement survey, a corporate climate survey involving all Group employees, conducted every two years
- Individual performance assessment interviews and sharing of career development goals
- Meetings with trade unions and workers’ representatives
- Engagement activities connected with business ethics and reflection on the company culture
- Corporate volunteering
- Group intranet and portal
- Participation in multi-stakeholder meetings to promote the sustainability of the business
- Meetings with representatives of NGOs, institutions and civil society associations
- Interviews on the relevance of material issues
- Press conferences
- Web and app for mobile devices
- Company contact points dedicated to relations with the media and institutions
- Joining voluntary initiatives supported by the United Nations
- Contributing to public consultations to define new legal measures and industry regulations
Contractual Partners
- National and local meetings and conventions
- Workshops
- Communication channels dedicated to suppliers (web, email)
Financial Community
- Annual General Meetings
- Meetings and interviews with analysts, investors and proxy advisors
- Interviews on the relevance of material issues
- Company points of contact dedicated to financial investor relations
- Policy for the management of engagement between the Board of Directors and investors