Legal Information

Company's references

Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.

  • Company established in Trieste in 1831
  • Registered Office in Trieste (Italy), Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi 2
  • Share Capital € 1,602,736,602.13 fully paid
  • Fiscal code and Venezia Giulia Companies' Register no. 00079760328
  • Group VAT no. 01333550323
  • Company entered in Section I of the Register of Italian Insurance and Reinsurance Companies under no. 1.00003
  • Parent Company of Generali Group, entered in the Register of Italian Insurance groups under n° 026.
  • Phone: +39 040 671111
  •  Fax: +39 040 671600
  •  (PEC)

For the transmission and storage of the Regulated Information, the Company uses the transmission system E-MARKET SDIR and the storage device E-MARKET STORAGE which can be consulted on the website and are managed by Teleborsa S.r.l. , with registered office in Rome, at 4 Piazza Priscilla, as per CONSOB authorization and resolutions n. 22517 and 22518 of 23 November 2022.

Terms and Conditions of use

The Generali's website (the “Site” or the “Generali Site”) is managed by Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. and provides institutional information concerning Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. ("Generali").

By using this site or downloading materials from it, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth in this notice. By using this site you will be deemed to have irrevocably agreed to these terms.

If you do not agree to abide by these terms and conditions, you are kindly requested not to use this Site.

Limited use

The contents of Generali Site pages are property of Generali.

Part or all of the contents of Generali Site pages and its graphics cannot - in whole or in part - be copied, reproduced, transferred, uploaded, published, distributed, put in a data base, shown, updated, changed, adjusted, sent or exploited in any way without Generali's prior written permission, nor can they be imitated in any way, except for the possibility to print extracts from these pages for your personal use only.
The trademarks and logos displayed on this Site are the property of Generali and/or its subsidiaries  and/or associates (jointly called “Generali Group”) and/or their respective owners. None of them can be in any way and under any form reproduced and/or used without Generali's prior written permission, nor can it be imitated in any way. In particular and as a way of example, none of these trademarks and logos may be reproduced, in whole or in part, on any website other than the Generali Site. The Generali name or any trademark referring to Generali or any other Generali Group company cannot be used as or incorporated into an Internet Address of other websites. Therefore, without prejudice to the limits provided by law, any initiative taken by third parties to use such trademarks, logos and similar wordings in any context and for any purposes is an infringement of trademark.

Unless otherwise envisaged by these terms and conditions, the contents of this Site can in no way be intended as an allocation of license or right concerning any copyright, patent, registered or unregistered trademark, and other intellectual property or industrial rights pertaining to Generali and/or other Generali Group companies and/or their respective owners.


The information on this Site is provided in good faith. However, the information on this Site may contain errors or inaccuracies. Generali has made any reasonable effort to make sure that all the information provided is correct at the time of writing. In any case, the data, opinions and special sections (dates of assemblies, dates of board meetings, press releases, presentations, etc.) appearing in this Site are included exclusively for the purpose of providing information on the activities of the Generali Group and Generali does not undertake any obligation or responsibility to update or amend any such information. 

The information may be used for personal investment decision-making purposes entirely at the user's risk. Generali does not take any responsibility for any error or omission of information contained in this Site or accessible through its links. Any decision based on this information is under the exclusive responsibility of the user.

These documents and information are provided “as is”. Generali does not provide any warranty or condition of any kind - expressed or implied - including but not limited to any warranty of fitness for particular purposes of the Site or any information, goods or services made available, advertised or sold through the Site. Please be aware that any advice, opinion, statement and other materials and databases uploaded or distributed on this Site and available through its links may not be accurate, complete, precise or reliable.

The information contained in this Site is produced by internal Generali Group sources. Generali reserves the right to modify the contents and the functional and operational use specifications applying to the Site as and when it chooses to do so, at its own discretion and with no forewarning. Without prejudice to what is otherwise provided by these terms and conditions, any new characteristics or functions increasing, improving or changing this Site wil be subject to these terms and conditions. 

Generali will do its utmost to ensure that the information of this Site fully complies with the requirements of reliability, truthfulness, accuracy and validity.

Generali accepts no responsibility for the reliability, truthfulness, accuracy and validity of any information published in the Site which cannot be ascribed to Generali.

Generali reserves the right, at any time and/or from time to time, to modify or interrupt temporarily or permanently the use of the Site (or part of it) with or without notice. The user acknowledges and accepts that Generali cannot be held responsible or liable against him/her or any third party for any change, suspension or interruption of the Site. Furthermore, Generali accepts no responsibility for any untoward consequences of brief or prolonged interruptions, delays or dysfunctions in the provision of the Site service due to power blackouts, telephone line failures, Internet failures or circumstances beyond the control of Generali.

Generali takes reasonable actions to prevent the introduction of viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other malware in the Site. However, it does not guarantee that the Site and materials contained therein and available for download will not contain them. Generali does not take any responsibility for any loss or damage of any nature - be it direct, indirect, special or consequential - arising from the use or access to this Site. The server of Generali is located in Italy. Generali makes no representation that materials or other content in the Site are appropriate or available for use outside Italy or by foreign citizens residing in Italy. If you choose to access the Site from other countries or you are a foreign citizen you do it on your own initiative and at your own risk. You are responsible for complying with local laws or laws applicable to you, if and to the extent such laws are applicable. In particular, you agree to comply with all applicable laws concerning the transmission of technical data exported from Italy.

None of the information contained in the Generali Site constitutes a recommendation, solicitation or offer by Generali to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments; some information may be found on the Generali Site as its publishing is required or recommended by law, regulations or provisions of self regulatory codes.

The information and services provided by the Generali Site may not be used, downloaded or imported abroad or by foreign citizens where the provision, use, communication or dissemination thereof would be contrary to laws, rules or regulations applicable to those countries or citizens or where Generali is not authorised to provide such information or services.

Some products or services described in the Site may not be available in all jurisdictions or to all users.

Financial information contained on the Generali Site has been translated into English for convenience purposes only, but the only official text is the one in Italian. Such information does not constitute an invitation to subscribe or sell any financial instruments in any countries, including in any foreign countries, including, without limitation, the United States of America, or to any foreign citizen, including but not limited to any “U.S. Person” as defined in the “Regulation S” under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (Securities Act), as subsequently amended. Unless the contrary is explicitly stated with reference to specific financial instruments, no financial instrument described in the Generali Site has and will be registered pursuant to any foreign law, including, without limitation, the Securities Act and, as a consequence, no financial instrument may be offered or sold directly or indirectly in the United States of America.

Indemnity by the user

By accessing the Generali Site, you hereby agree to fully indemnify and to hold Generali harmless from and against any claim brought by a third party resulting from the use of the Generali Site and in respect of all losses, costs, actions, proceedings, claims, damages, expenses (including legal costs and expenses), or liabilities whatsoever suffered or incurred directly or indirectly in consequence of such use of the Site or your breach or non-observance of any of these Terms and Conditions.


Generali assumes no responsibility for material created or published by third parties that Generali Site pages have a link to. If you decide to visit any linked site you do so at your own risk and it is your responsibility to take all measures against viruses or other destructive elements. Links do not imply that Generali sponsors or is affiliated with any entity whose products or services are described thereon. Generali assumes no responsibility for the contents hosted on the websites linked to Generali Site.

Information from the user

Any materials sent to Generali, including by e-mail or via World Wide Web pages, shall be deemed not confidential. Generali shall have no obligation of any kind with respect to such materials and Generali shall be free to reproduce, use, disclose, display, transform, create derivative works and distribute the materials to others without limitation. Moreover, Generali shall be free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in such materials for any purpose whatsoever, including, but not limited to, developing, manufacturing and marketing products incorporating such materials. You warrant that such materials are fit to publication and you agree to indemnify Generali if any third party takes action against Generali in relation to such materials.


The Site uses cookies and other session identifiers in order to make surfing possible or provide a service requested by the user only if strictly necessary, in compliance with the Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and with the European legislation on personal data protection concerning electronic communications services accessible to the public. For these purposes consent is not required. Cookies are not used for statistical purposes. It is possible to disable the use of cookies depending on the browser, even though in this case surfing may not be equally easy.

Law and Jurisdiction

For any dispute arising from these terms and conditions the Court of Trieste, Italy, shall have exclusive jurisdiction. Generali nonetheless reserves the right to take legal proceedings in countries or cities other than Italy and Trieste, to protect its interests or to enforce its rights whenever it deems it appropriate to do so.