Ownership structure

This section contains our shareholding structure, with a strong participation of institutional investors.

Share ownership

Updated as at 6 September 2024 in line with the Shareholder’s Register, mainly on the basis of the dividend pay-out dated 24 May 2023, with the integration of information pursuant to article 120 of consolidated law on financial intermediation and other available information. 

(1) Main Shareholders

13.05% Mediobanca Group

9.93% Del Vecchio Group

6.12% Caltagirone Group

4.80% Benetton Group

(2) The category includes asset managers, sovereign funds, pension funds, life insurance companies
(3) The category includes corporate entities such as foundations, trust companies, religious and charitable institutes
(4) Data not yet transmitted by mainly foreign intermediaries

  December 31 2019 December 31 2020 December 31 2021 December 31 2022 December 31 2023 Current
Institutional investors 38.23% 40.51% 36.24% 31.29% 34.86% 33.93%
Main shareholders (>3%) 26.89% 27.15% 31.41% 33.81% 33.95% 33.89%
Mediobanca Group 13.03% 12.97% 12.84% 12.77% 13.13% 13.05%
Del Vecchio Group 4.86% 4.84% 6.62% 9.82% 9.77% 9.93%
Caltagirone Group 5.00% 5.36% 7.98% 6.46%* 6.23%** 6.12%
Benetton Group 4.00% 3.98% 3.97% 4.78% 4.83% 4.80%
Retail shareholders 25.46% 23.99% 22.56% 23.30% 22.86% 22.86%
Other Investors 8.80% 7.80% 8.40% 7.29% 6.15% 6.05%
Own Shares 0.01% 0.39% 0.39% 2.47% 1.10% 2.22%
Not identifiable shareholders 0.61% 0.16% 1.01% 1.84% 1.08% 1.05%

*Source Consob www.consob.it. As at the dividend payment of May 25th 2022 Caltagirone Group held 9.38% of s.c. On July 12th 2022 Fincal SpA, company of Caltagirone Group, disclosed the reduction of its holding from 3.99% to 2.99% s.c.
**Including 0.06% s.c. held by an associated company.


Geographic breakdown

Geographic breakdown
Geographic breakdown

Non-identifiable shareholders and non-received declarations: 1.05% 

All data provided are in percentage of share capital.

  December 31 2019 December 31 2020 December 31 2021 December 31 2022 December 31 2023 Current
Italy 64.03% 61.89% 64.51% 69.37% 65.99% 66.24%
International 35.97% 38.11% 34.48% 28.78% 32.93% 32.71%
United States 10.37% 10.35% 7.97% 6.99% 10.40% 10.40%
Great Britain 7.24% 5.37% 2.43% 1.04% 2.45% 2.45%
France 5.40% 4.79% 8.30% 6.44% 4.23% 6.56%
Germany 2.52% 2.19% 3.14% 4.33% 3.56% 4.23%
China 0.71% 0.53% 0.40% 0.41% 0.46% 0.46%
Rest of Europe 6.36% 10.93% 9.56% 7.84% 9.11% 9.11%
Other International 2.76% 3.72% 2.68% 1.73% 2.71% 2.49%
Not identifiable shareholders and communications not received 0.61% 0.23% 1.01% 1.84% 1.08% 1.05%



Breakdown by number of shares held

(From - to)
Number of shareholders  % of the share capital
1 - 10,000 171,211 9.94%
10,000 - 100,000 6,636 11.31%
100,000 - 200,000 463 4.14%
200,000 - 500,000 282 5.54%
500,000 - 1,000,000 137 5.74%
1,000,000 - 5,000,000 104 13.80%
5,000,000 - 10,000,000 9 3.71%
10,000,000 - 50,000,000 10 13.22%
>50,000,000 3 31.55%
Total identifiable shareholders 178,856 98.95%
Not identifiable shareholders - 1.05%
Total 178,856 100.00%

Assicurazioni Generali's Articles of Association do not allow for any exceptions to the provisions concerning the passivity rule pursuant to Article 104, paragraphs 1 and 1-bis of the CLFI, nor do they envisage application of the neutralisation rules laid down in Article 104-bis, paragraphs 2 and 3 of the CLFI.

Shareholder agreements

Please find below information about the shareholder agreement stipulated on September 10th 2021 by some companies of Caltagirone Group and Delfin S.à R.L. (Del Vecchio Group) and to which Fondazione CRT has become a party on September 17th 2021. On January 27th the companies of Caltagirone Group exercised the right to withdraw from the agreement.
On March 30th 2022 Delfin S.à R.L. (Del Vecchio Group) and Fondazione CRT have disclosed the termination of the agreement effective from March 27th 2022.