This section contains the ratings assigned to the Group by the leading international agencies (Moody's, AM Best and Fitch).
On 13 February 2015, at Generali’s request, Standard & Poor’s withdrew its rating relative to the Group.
Rating - Insurance financial strength
Agency | Current* | 31.12.23 | 31.12.22 | 31.12.21 | 31.12.20 | |
Moody's | Rating Outlook |
A3 |
A3 |
Baa1 |
Baa1 |
Fitch | Rating Outlook |
A+ |
A |
A |
A- |
AM Best | Rating Outlook |
A |
A |
A |
A |
*With link to the latest press release.
Rating - Bonds
Current | 31.12.23 | 31.12.22 | 31.12.21 | 31.12.20 | ||
Moody's | senior | Baa1 | Baa1 | Baa1 | Baa2 | Baa2 |
subordinated | Baa2 | Baa2 | Baa2 | Baa3 | Baa3 | |
hybrid | Baa3 | Baa3 | Baa3 | Ba1 | Ba1 | |
outlook | stable | stable | stable | stable | stable | |
Fitch | senior | A | A | A- | A- | BBB+ |
subordinated | A- | A- | BBB | BBB | BBB- | |
hybrid | BBB+ | BBB+ | BBB | BBB | BBB- | |
outlook | stable | stable | positive | positive | stable | |
AM Best | senior | a | a | a | a | a |
subordinated | a- | a- | a- | a- | a- | |
hybrid | bbb+ | bbb+ | bbb+ | bbb+ | bbb+ | |
outlook | stable | stable | stable | stable | stable |
Description & Ranking Grid by Rating Agency
Ratings refer to a judgement of the credit rating and probability of default of an entity or the security to which the rating has been assigned. Every ratings agency uses a different method to compile its ratings.