Responsible Corporate Citizen
Our commitment to unlocking the potential of people living in vulnerable circumstances through the global initiatives of The Human Safety Net Foundation

Data at 31.12.2023
As a Responsible Corporate Citizen, we are acting to unlock the potential of people living in vulnerable circumstances through the global initiatives of The Human Safety Net Foundation, a global initiative activated as a movement of people helping people to reach measurable social impact in our communities.
This global open network helps bringing together the strengths of non-profit organisations and the private sector in 26 countries across Europe, Asia and South America. It is activated through global communities of NGO partners, volunteers, refugees, families, and other stakeholders, sharing an impact ambition.
Thanks to The Human Safety Net, we can integrate in new ways our core business activities and resources into areas of work that are socially impactful. These include, among others:
- encouraging a greater involvement of employees to support the communities of NGOs ;
- leveraging the Group’s financial resources to be invested into social enterprises;
- products and services that can reach and positively affect under-resourced sectors of society or build bridges between the two communities of our customers and beneficiaries of the programmes.