Data and performance

* Indicators reported within the Consolidated Non-Financial Statement subject to limited assurance by the external auditor.

Responsible investor

  2023 2022 2021
Direct investments by the Group’s insurance companies subject to negative screening approach (€ mln) * 233,348 235,437 312,772
New green and sustainable investments (€ mln) * 3,399 3,189 2,537
Fenice 190 - investments to support sustainable recovery in Europe (€ mln) *
The amounts are cumulative.
2,666 2,080 2,080
Carbon footprint of investment portfolio (EVIC) (tCO2e/€ mln invested) *
The indicator refers to the carbon footprint of direct general account investment portfolio of the Group’s insurance companies in listed equities and corporate bonds, in terms of carbon intensity (EVIC).
The coverage is 73% for the year 2021, 75% for the years 2022 and 2023. Our ambition and commitment is to increase the part of our investment portfolio covered by the carbon footprint assessment in order to provide increasingly precise data.
To calculate the carbon footprint indicators, the Group relies on MSCI data. Data related to CO2 emissions and carbon intensity (EVIC and sales) of the companies in the portfolio refer to the last available data at the moment of the calculation of carbon footprint for this reporting (usually January/February of each year) and therefore mainly refer to the previous year as the new data are available in the second semester of the year.
98 100 128
Carbon intensity (sales) (tCO2e/€ mln of sales) *
The indicator refers to the carbon footprint of direct general account investment portfolio of the Group’s insurance companies in listed equities and corporate bonds.
The coverage for carbon intensity (sales) is 85% for the year 2021, 88% for the year 2022, and 92% for the year 2023. Our ambition and commitment is to increase the part of our investment portfolio covered by the carbon footprint assessment in order to provide increasingly precise data.
To calculate the carbon footprint indicators, the Group relies on MSCI data. Data related to CO2 emissions and carbon intensity (EVIC and sales) of the companies in the portfolio refer to the last available data at the moment of the calculation of carbon footprint for this reporting (usually January/February of each year) and therefore mainly refer to the previous year as the new data are available in the second semester of the year.
147 188 241
Absolute emissions (mln tCO2e) *
The indicator refers to the carbon footprint of direct general account investment portfolio of the Group’s insurance companies in listed equities and corporate bonds, in terms of carbon intensity (EVIC).
The coverage is 73% for the year 2021, 75% for the years 2022 and 2023. Our ambition and commitment is to increase the part of our investment portfolio covered by the carbon footprint assessment in order to provide increasingly precise data.
To calculate the carbon footprint indicators, the Group relies on MSCI data. Data related to CO2 emissions and carbon intensity (EVIC and sales) of the companies in the portfolio refer to the last available data at the moment of the calculation of carbon footprint for this reporting (usually January/February of each year) and therefore mainly refer to the previous year as the new data are available in the second semester of the year.
6.8 6.8 10.4
Assets managed ex Art. 8/9 SFDR (€ bln) *
The scope of the indicator refers to assets managed by asset managers belonging to A&WM business unit (excluding the Banca Generali group) including both individual portfolio management services and collective investment schemes, disclosed in accordance with art. 8 and 9 of the SFDR Regulation.
147.8 85.2 n.a

Responsible insurer

  2023 2022 2021
Premiums from insurance solutions with ESG components (€ mln) * 20,815 19,868 17,133
Premiums from insurance solutions with ESG components - social sphere (€ mln) * 18,228 17,449 15,383
Premiums from insurance solutions with ESG components - environmental sphere (€ mln) * 2,587 2,419 1,750

Note: Premiums from insurance solutions with ESG components - social sphere and environmental sphere refer to consolidated companies representing 96.2% of the Group’s total gross direct written premiums, excluding the corporate & commercial business. The change was on equivalent terms, i.e. at constant exchange rates and consolidation scope.

As for premiums from insurance solutions with ESG components - environmental sphere, the premium from multi-risk policies covering NATCAT events only refers to the NATCAT guarantee. If the premium cannot be split into green-related component and other components, only the premium from the policies which are predominantly providing a green coverage or service is reported.

Customers (mln) *
The number of customers refers to all insurance entities, banks and pension funds.
70 68 67
Multi holding customers (%) *
The indicator measures the percentage of customers with two or more needs covered by Generali. Customers of mono-product companies (companies operating in only one line of
business, such as MTPL, travel, pension funds, legal assistance, etc.) and customers who are not directly reachable by Generali (banks, bancassurance companies, white label business and partnerships) are not relevant for this scope, as the indicator is not applicable.
51.3 47.8 n.a.
Number of agents (thousand) *
The number of agents refers to all insurance entities with traditional distribution networks.
164 161 159
Relationship NPS *
The Relationship Net Promoter Score (RNPS) is an indicator based on customer research data and calculated deducting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. The RNPS is expressed as an absolute number.
The indicator spans 23 markets where we operate under the Generali brand: Argentina, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam.
21.5 18.2 14.2

Responsible employer

  2023 2022 2021
Italy *
Includes Cattolica headcounts since 2021.
14,858 15,147 15,480
France * 6,514 6,594 6,589
DACH * (1)
Germany, Austria and Switzerland
15,631 15,620 15,548
International * (1)
Includes Central Eastern Europe, Mediterranean and Latin America and Asia regions
30,007 30,493 23,748
Asset & Wealth Management *
Includes the main Group entities operating in investment advisory, asset management and financial planning.
2,796 2,406 2,284
Group Holding and other companies
Includes the Parent Company’s management and coordination activities, including Group reinsurance, Europ Assistance, Generali Employee Benefits, Global Corporate & Commercial, other financial holding companies and international service providers not included in the previous geographic areas.
12,073  11,801  10,972 
Discontinued Operations 0 0 0
Total Generali Group * 81,879 82,061 74,621


(1) The Generali Group completed the geographical reorganization by including CEE in the International perimeter and inserting Austria in the new DACH perimeter (Germany, Austria and Switzerland). 2022 and 2021 figures were restated accordingly.

  2023 2022 2021
Managers  2,307 2,292 2,082
Middle Managers  9,483 12,179 11,367
Employees  52,165 50,297 44,530
Sales attendant  17,751 17,006 16,429
Other  173 287 213
Total Generali Group * 81,879 82,061 74,621


  2023 2022 2021
<= 34 19,675 20,259 18,640
35-54 47,124 47,752 42,999
>= 55 15,080 14,050 12,982
Total Generali Group * 81,879 82,061 74,621
  2023 2022 2021
Permanent employees  76,344 76,262 68,597
Fixed-term employees  5,535 5,799 6,024
Full-time employees   72,519 72,657 65,442
Part-time employees   9,360 9,404 9,179
Employees hired (2) (3) (4) 10,145 10,576 6,736
Female Employees hired (2) (3) (5) 4,562 4,850 3,671
Employees turnover (2) (3) 11,119 11,591 7,835
Turnover rate (%) (2) (3) (6) 13.6% 14.1% 10.7%
Female turnover rate (%) (2) (3) (7) 11.8% 12.0% 11.5%
Voluntary turnover rate (%) (2) (3) 8.2% 9.1% 6.2%

Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements (%)
The figure refers to Group companies representing 84% of total employees

97.5% 95.2% 95.9%
Workers represented in the European Works Council (%) (8) 74.3% 74.0% 80.5%

(2) The indicator refers to all consolidated line-by-line companies, excluding a few exceptions with very different hiring and turnover dynamics due to business peculiarities (e.g. assistance).

(3) Higher hirings and turnover figures in 2023 and 2022 due to the inclusion of new companies in dynamic markets (e.g., India, Malaysia). Excluding these new markets, data in line with previous years.

(4) Employees hired in 2023 by age group: “<=34” 6,380; “35-54” 3,440; “>=55” 325

(5) Male employees hired in 2023: 5,583

(6) 2023 Turnover rate by age group: “<=34” 25.8%; “35-54” 9.6%; “>=55” 10.3%

(7) Male turnover rate in 2023: 15.5%

(8) 2022 European Works Council % coverage decrease due to new acquisitions in non-European markets (e.g., India, Malaysia).

  2023 2022 2021
Women on Board of Directors (%) * 46.2% 46.2% 38.4%
Female in top-executive position (%)
In the Group Management Committee.
13.3% 13.3% 15.4%
Women in strategic positions (%) *
The indicator refers to women in Group Management Committee (GMC) and Generali Leadership Group positions and their first reporting lines. The data at year-end 2022, was restated due to the inclusion of positions in companies previously excluded. Before 2022, restated data not available.
34.8% 29.4% n.a.

Women in managerial positions (%)
The indicator refers to women in managerial positions defined as employees with at least 1 direct report and not included in the strategic positions.

39.9% 41.3% 38.9%

Female employees (%) *

51.1% 50.5% 51.4%

Permanent female employees (% on total permanent employees)

50.3% 49.7% 50.8%

Gender pay gap (%) *

Difference etween males’ and females’ median base salary across the entire organization regardless of the roles. It is calculated as a percentage of the difference between males’ salary minus females’ salary, divided by the males' salary. The indicator refers to all consolidated line-by-line companies or aggregated business units with more than 200 employees, excluding a few exceptions due to business or local context peculiarities.
14.5% 12.5% 14.9%
Equal pay gap (%) *
Difference between males’ and females’ base salary for the same work or work of equal value, calculated applying an advanced data analytics model based on multiple regression. The indicator refers to all consolidated line-by-line companies or aggregated business units with more than 200 employees, excluding a few exceptions due to business or local context peculiarities.
0.9% 1.6% 1.8%
Accessibility gap to variable remuneration between males and females (%) *
Difference in percentage between males’ and females’ accessibility rate to variable remuneration across the entire organization. The indicator refers to all consolidated line-by-line companies or aggregated business units with more than 200 employees, excluding a few exceptions due to business or local context peculiarities.
2.0% 1.7% 4.3%

As of 31.12.2023 the share of women in managerial positions within revenue-generating functions (e.g. sales) is 30.0% * and the share of women in junior management positions is 41.1%.
* Figure refers to Group entities representing 96% of total GWP and 97% of total employees.

  2023 2022 2021

Training Investment (€ mln) *
The indicators refer to consolidated line-by-line companies, excluding a few limited exceptions due to business or local context peculiarities. They represent 98,4% of total employees.

61.7 60.0 56.9
Average hours of training per capita *
The indicators refer to consolidated line-by-line companies, excluding a few limited exceptions due to business or local context peculiarities. They represent 98,4% of total employees.
34.4 32.0 34.2
Trained employees (%) *
The trained employees represent 98,4% of the total, excluding a few limited exceptions due to business or local context peculiarities.
100% 100% 100%
Upskilled employees (%) *
Participation in the program derives from a managerial choice of each Group company. The indicator, therefore, refers to 75.4% of total employees The indicator in 2021 and 2020 is not available as training initiatives in scope are different from those existing in the previous cycle.
68% 35% n.a.
Employee engagement rate (%) *
It is a measure that summarizes people’s belief in company goals and objectives (rational connection), their sense of pride (emotional connection) and their willingness to go the extra mile to support success (behavioral connection). It is an index composed by the average result of six specific questions included in the Group Engagement Surveys. The index refers to the Group companies that decided to join the Global Pulse Survey 2023, representing 87,6% of total employees.
83% 84% 83%
Employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews (%)
Data refers to eligible employees (excluding fixed term contracts, new hired not entering the process, employees on long term leave, etc.)
100% 100% 100%
  2023 2022 2021
Entities working Hybrid *
The indicator refers to consolidated line-by-line companies, excluding a few limited exceptions due to business or local context peculiarities.
100% 100% 100%
  2023 2022 2021
Number of injuries (9) 257 217 138

Absenteeism rate (%) (9)
Generali aims at keeping the absenteeism rate in line with the pre-pandemic figures (i.e. ambition FY 2023 at 4.5%)

4.4% 4.6% 3.6%

(9) Data refers to the following countries: Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Czech Rep.&Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Portugal covering 83% in terms of total gross written premiums. 2023 and 2022 figures reflecting the hybrid back-to-office way of working and in line with pre-pandemic figures

Group operations

Data refers to the scope of the Group Environmental Management System (EMS), which represents the following organizational units: Argentina, Austria, Bulgaria, Banca Generali, Chile, Croatia, Europ Assistance, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Spain and Switzerland. The growth of the reporting perimeter made it necessary to restate the entire trend from 2019.


2023 2022 2021 2020 2019

Scope1 (tCO2e) (A) *

36,052 37,522 35,511 35,280 47,977

Scope2 - market based (tCO2e) (B) *

13,597 15,609 16,686 18,588 21,858

Scope2 - location based (tCO2e) *

54,991 57,928 64,123 65,718 75,172

Scope3 (tCO2e) (C) *

40,717 39,602 37,414 37,661 65,855
     Scope 3 - Purchased goods and services (tCO2e) [Cat. 1] 4,935 5,102 5,689 5,839 9,256
     Scope 3 - Fuel-and-energy-related activities (not included in scope 1 or 2) (tCO2e) [Cat. 3] 24,577 25,387 24,809 24,973 33,570
     Scope 3 - Waste generated in operations (tCO2e) [Cat. 5] 1,119 791 584 562 1,381
Scope 3 - Business travel (tCO2e) [Cat. 6] 10,086 8,322 6,332 6,287 21,648
Total emissions (tCO2e) (A+B+C) * 90,366 92,733    89,611 91,529 135,690

Note: GHG emissions are calculated in accordance with the GHG Protocol - Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard and represent 100% of the Group’s workforce linked to emission sources in operational control (85.8% measured and 14.2% extrapolated). The measured data represent the organizational units listed above. The GHG emissions of organizational units not included in this list have been extrapolated. The growth of the reporting perimeter (+6.8% in terms of the Group’s workforce compared to 2022) made it necessary to restate the entire trend from 2019.
The gases included in the calculation are CO2, CH4 and N2O for combustion processes and all climate-altering gases reported in the IPCC AR4 for other emissions (long-lived greenhouse gases - LLGHGs). Scope 3 category 1 - Purchased goods and services includes paper purchase and water-related services, Scope 3 category 6 - Business travel includes air, train and private or rented car travels. 


2023 2022 2021 2020 2019

Biogenic emissions (tCO2e)

109 94 83 41 26

Note: the GHG emissions from biofuels are reported separately and are not included in the emissions data of the above tables, as stated by the GHG Protocol.


2023 2022 2021 2020 2019

Purchased electrical energy (GJ)

362,439 400,371 435,159 448,110 525,887

     Purchased renewable energy (%) *

87% 86% 86% 85% 82%

Generation of renewable energy (GJ)

669 607 377 353 400

District heating (GJ)

122,603 133,700 167,759 154,415  159,782

District cooling (GJ)

15,720 19,849 20,683 21,730 27,424
Natural gas (GJ) 70,550 89,892 112,766 88,454 118,248
Natural gas consumed by trigeneration (GJ) 186,333 184,217 149,763 179,470 200,341
Diesel oil (GJ) 126,554 134,203 116,345 117,145 200,919
Gasoline (GJ) 63,707 59,819 48,668 46,129 49,878
LPG (GJ) 5,899 5,899 5,889 5,961 5,323
Biofuel (GJ) 1,754 1,517 1,339 663 416
Total energy (GJ) 956,228 1,030,144 1,058,758 1,062,430 1,308,618
     of which non-renewable energy consumption (GJ) 639,111 685,726 682,156 680,548 876,033

Note: energy data represent the organizational units listed above, covering the 85.8% of the Group employees. The growth of the reporting perimeter made it necessary to restate the entire trend from 2019. Diesel oil and gasoline include the fuel consumption of the company cars' fleet.


2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Private car (km) 26,750,350 27,432,213 27,644,734  26,376,261 62,376,122

Airplane (km)

38,429,570 24,665,193 6,274,173 7,947,115 70,372,066

     Long-haul (%)

7% 4% 19% 15% 10%

     Medium-haul (%)

64% 65% 57% 72% 68%

     Short-haul (%)

29% 31% 24% 13% 22%
Train (km) 30,518,613 19,860,079  7,159,535 10,070,152 51,834,785

      High-speed (%)

84% 81% 76% 77% 81%

      Conventional (%)

16% 19% 24% 23% 19%

Total mobility (km)

95,698,533 71,957,485 41,078,442 44,393,528 184,582,973

Note: mobility data represent the organizational units listed above, covering the 85.8% of the Group employees. The growth of the reporting perimeter made it necessary to restate the entire trend from 2019.


2023 2022 2021 2020 2019

Total water withdrawal (m3)

713,114 678,070 655,436 620,608 952,270

Total waste production (ton)

4,516 4,675 4,049 6,095 9,896

     Waste for recycling (%)

68% 77% 81% 87% 81%

Total paper consumption (ton)

3,421 3,639 4,075 4,206 6,666

     Environmentally certified paper (%)

82% 79% 78% 65% 52%

Note: other environmental data represent the organizational units listed above, covering the 85.8% of the Group employees. The growth of the reporting perimeter made it necessary to restate the entire trend from 2019.

Responsible Corporate Citizen


2023 2022 2021

Funds allocated to the community (€ mln)

14.5 13.9 12.2

     of which The Human Safety Net (€ mln)

9.4 10.1 6.2

Active countries for The Human Safety Net *

26 24 23

Active partners for The Human Safety Net *

77 77 61