Responsible Insurer
2021 Half-Year Results
The first semester confirms excellent Group’s profitability with strong growth in premiums, operating and net results. Extremely solid capital position
The Group's half-year results show an excellent performance obtained in a particularly challenging environment and position the Company well on track to deliver the targets of the Generali 2021 Strategy.
- Operating result rose to € 3 billion (+10.4%), thanks to the positive development of the Life, Asset Management and Holding and other businesses segments. The excellent contribution from the P&C segment was confirmed.
- Gross written premiums increased to € 38 billion (€ 36.5 billion 1H2020, +5.5%), up in both the Life segment (+5.8%) and the P&C segment (+4.9%).
- Technical excellence is confirmed with a stable Combined Ratio at 89.7% (89.5% 1H2020). The New Business Margin was excellent, and at 4.67%, among the best in the sector (3.94% 1H20).
- The net result of the Asset Management segment grew to € 226 million (+38%). Third-Party Assets Under Management rose to € 113.4 billion (€ 104.0 billion at 31 December 2020), thanks to € 8.6 billion in net inflows and the positive performance of financial markets.
- Solvency Ratio was extremely solid at 231% (224% FY2020).
- Strong growth in the net result which rose to € 1,540 million (€ 774 million 1H20).

Discover more in the full press release.