The Long Distance Journey

I wanna go far, far away. Not just to find somewhere completely different to this place but to immerse myself in it, preferably for a matter of weeks rather than days too. But such trips are not usually a case of ‘make it up as you go along’. There’s the obvious logistical question, but that’s only the start. There’s the visa to get, health risks to know about - and that’s not a thing to treat lightly. What we’re talking about here is being in a place very far away from all the familiar points of reference. Even your nearest embassy or consulate may be quite some distance away. Preparation is essential, nothing should be left to chance. A simple insurance policy is a massive start and probably the easiest thing of all to sort out. Legal cover - every nation has its peculiarities and it’s important to have people on your side if you get into a tangle. Then there’s the global situation to consider, the spectre of the terrorist threat. And what about accident and sickness - proper healthcare is often a visa requirement anyway. Time and space are indeed in a state of flux - at least your insurance remains solid!