Central Eastern Europe Region
The Generali Group operates in Central-Eastern Europe through Generali CEE Holding, the parent company of ten subsidiaries in Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia for a total of 11,952 employees, including the regional office based in Prague. Generali represents the third insurance Group in the region in terms of total gross written premium (GWP), with 11.4% of market share.
In the P&C segment, the portfolio ranges from mass market coverage, such as motor, home, accident & health, to sophisticated commercial and industrial risk coverage. Generali Group is the market leader in the Czech Republic and among the top three players in Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia, with almost 11 million customers and 7,400 exclusive agents. Various distribution channels (e.g. tied agents, multi-agents, brokers, and other distributors) are used within CEE based on the local market situation.
Czech Republic, Croatia, and Hungary actively participated to the mission of the Generali Group to help small and medium business to adopt more sustainable business models with the flagship project SMEEnterPRIZE. This year, Slovenia will join the other CEE countries as newcomer.
Generali Group in Centrale-Eastern Europe dates back to 1832 when the first agencies were opened in Vienna, Prague, Budapest and Ljubljana. Soon after the fall of the Berlin wall, Generali returned to the region, thus becoming the first western European insurance company to resume operations in the area.
Manager in Charge

Manlio Lostuzzi
CEE Regional Officer
Main Group Companies
Generali Bulgaria
Generali Group has a long history in the insurance sector in Bulgaria. Assicurazioni Generali Trieste was one of the first foreign insurance company entered Bulgaria in 1904 and had been active in the country until 1946.
With more than 383 employees in Bulgaria, a 6.5% P&C market share and a strong position in the health and protection segments, today Generali Bulgaria is one of the major international insurers in the country and the 7th player on the market.
Its operations include Generali Insurance AD (P&C insurance) and Generali Zakrila Medical and Dental Centre – an outpatient medical facility.
The company has 135 offices and client desks throughout the country. For better service of the liquidation process and convenience for the clients, the company has 16 specialized claims centers in the biggest cities of the country. The insurance products of Generali Bulgaria are offered by 555 agents, five intermediaries offering insurance products as an additional activity, and 283 brokers.
Visit the website: https://generali.bg
GP Reinsurance EAD
GP Reinsurance EAD is a captive reinsurer based in Sofia, fully owned by Generali CEE Holding B.V. It provides P&C reinsurance solutions within the Group. The activity of GP Reinsurance EAD in 2021 continues to be managed in compliance with the strategic plan for development and goals, for which it was granted a license by the Financial Supervision Commission for performing reinsurance activities. The Company provides reinsurance services to companies from all countries of Generali CEE Holding.
Generali Croatia
Generali osiguranje d.d. was established in Croatia in 2002 and is focused on the innovation and competitiveness of its wide range of life and non-life products, as well as to the development of the distribution network.
From its own and exclusive network as a vital sales functions, nurturing “phygital” approach supported with digital tools; all to the multi-channel partnerships with brokers, agencies and banks - the largest distribution channel, which positions Generali Croatia as a market leader in bancassurance.
Further to it, 768 employees gathered in the network of over 80 offices throughout the country, while at the same time being provided with the new way of remote working, are taking care of over 390,000 company’s clients.
Generali Croatia strengthened its market footprint by recently acquiring two insurance companies and closing 2022 with a market share of 8.02%.
Committed to building a sustainable future for all and contributing to the improvement of communities in line with the Group strategy “Lifetime Partner 24: Driving Growth”, Generali Croatia is actively engaged in the Group flagship activities: SME EnterPRIZE and The Human Safety Net.
Visit the website: https://www.generali.hr/
Generali Czech Republic and Slovakia
Generali Česká pojišťovna is the largest insurance company on the Czech market with more than 3,000 employees, serving its clients through 4,700 agents and 550 sales points.
In 2022, the total market share of Generali Česká pojišťovna reached 24.9%, in life insurance it was 20.7% and in P&C insurance 26.8%. The position of Generali Česka pojišťovna as a strong and traditional insurer was also confirmed by last year outstanding company’s financial results.
As of 20 December 2021, activities in Slovakia operate through the Generali Česká pojišťovna organizational unit under name Generali Poisťovňa.
Generali in Slovakia provides professional services thanks to its more than 570 employees and through almost 800 agents. In 2022, Generali increased its market share to 12.8% and maintained its third position in the market.
Visit the website: www.generaliceska.cz and www.generali.sk
Generali Hungary
The history of Generali in Hungary began in 1832 when the company opened its first branch in Pest. In 1989, Generali was the first insurer with Western interests to return to the country. The company has a market share of 15.9%, including Generali Biztosító, Genertel and European Travel Insurer, and it is one of the biggest players of the Hungarian insurance market. Generali works with 1,500 employees and 1,300 tied agents and 400 broker partners to serve more than 1 million customers. In 2022, Generali's GWP growth both in the P&C and Life segments.
In addition to the core business, Generali also pays special attention to the support of local communities and socially important causes through programs run by local NGOs in cooperation with The Human Safety Net, a global initiative of the Generali Group.
Visit the website: www.generali.hu
Generali Poland
Generali has been present in Poland since 1998 and provides its customers comprehensive insurance offers at every stage of their lives: from P&C, such as car insurance, home insurance, and business insurance through life insurance, both individual and group, to pension and investment funds.
Generali Poland offers its products under three brands: in addition to Generali, these include Proama, which provides a wide selection of property insurance, and Generali Agro, which specializes in insurance for agriculture. In addition, it has two insurance companies: life - Generali Życie T.U. S.A. and non-life - Generali T.U. S.A.
Pension funds are under the responsibility of Generali PTE S.A., while Generali Investments TFI SA provides investment products. Generali Finance Sp. z o.o. operates in Poland as well.
In 2022, Generali Poland was 7th in the GWP total ranking on the local insurance market and reported positive results both in premiums and profitability. Generali Poland has 1,500 employees.
Generali Poland cooperates with 433 exclusive agents, 4512 multiagents and 785 brokers.
Visit the website: www.generali.pl
Generali Romania
Generali is the oldest foreign insurance company in Romania, starting its local activity in 1835 in the port city of Galati, with a focus on cargo insurance. Over time, having become the market leader through organic development and specific acquisitions, Generali ceased its activity in Romania in 1948 due to the political context, only to return with a greenfield operation in 1993.
The team of Generali Romania consists of 365 employees and almost 1000 agents that support the ambition to become LifeTime Partner to its clients through outstanding services and innovative solutions.
Now, with a history spanning on almost 190 years, Generali Romania is a leading insurer in terms of stability and efficiency.
Generali Romania has a composite activity, with a balanced life and non-life portfolio products designed to cover its retail and corporate clients’ needs that ranks it among the top 10 local insurers based on GWP and holds significant market shares on the non-motor lines like household and property, technical insurance, Casco and liability.
Visit the website: https://www.generali.ro/
Generali Osiguranje Serbia
Generali Osiguranje Srbija is the largest privately-owned insurance company in Serbia, recognized as trustworthy, innovative, and modern company. The company continues to be market leader in Life and Health insurance since more than a decade and one of the foremost Serbian insurance companies in terms of P&C, agriculture, accident, and motor vehicle insurance.
The mission is to enable people to shape a safer future by caring for their lives and dreams delivering amazing customer experience thanks to a workforce of 1,500 employees in 54 branches and more that 1000 point of sales spread across the country. Insurance products are also available to customers through Mobile application, prominent Serbian banks, and numerous partners.
Generali Osiguranje Srbija is committed to have even a greater social and environmental impact through the programs of The Human Safety Net activated in cooperation with local Ngos since 2017.
Visit the website: https://www.generali.rs/fizicka_lica/naslovna.760.html
Generali Osiguranje Montenegro
Generali Osiguranje Montenegro is the 4th largest insurance company among Non-Life companies operating in Montenegro, with a full range of P&C insurance products including motor insurance, property, accident, travel, health and aviation.
The company is offering its services with more than 120 employees and 80 points of sale across the country.
Visit the website: https://www.generali.me/fizicka_lica/naslovna.760.html
Generali Slovenia
Generali zavarovalnica d.d. has been active in Slovenia for over 25 years since January 1st 1997 and is the leading international insurance provider in the Slovenian market. Generali zavarovalnica is also the second largest insurance company in the country, with a broad range of products in P&C as well as health and in life insurance.
In 2022 expanded significantly the range of insurance products and increased the volume of premiums, especially in the segment of non-life insurance (+ 7.2%) and health insurance (+ 7.2%).
Generali zavarovalnica further improved its position in the insurance market and has a 17.4% market share (P&C 19.2%, life 12.6% market share).
At the end of 2022, the company had nearly 1,300 employees and 981 points of sales throughout the entire country. Generali products are also available through significant Slovenian banks and numerous partners.
For several years, we have been recognized as the top insurance company measured by client satisfaction.
Visit the website: https://www.generali.si/