Exploring Generali: meeting with the financial community in London
24 May 2019 - 08:30 price sensitive
London – Today, in London, Generali will host an event for the financial community, Exploring Generali.
Frédéric de Courtois, General Manager, Cristiano Borean, Group Chief Financial Officer, Jaime Anchùstegui, CEO International, and Luciano Cirinà, Austria, CEE & Russia Regional Officer and CEO of Generali CEE Holding B.V. will be presenting.
As part of the event, Generali will present a new financial market stress scenario which confirms the solidity of the Group capital position.
Generali will also announce its decision to not refinance €1.25 billion of senior debt maturing in January 2020, as part of the debt reduction target included in the Generali 2021 strategic plan. This decision, combined with the already announced reduction of €250 million subordinated debt in 2019, will enable the Group to secure already in 2020 the low end of the targeted debt reduction announced in November 2018.