Generali Board approves the Group’s new Charter of Sustainability Commitments
26 April 2017 - 12:30
Milan – Assicurazioni Generali’s Board of Directors has approved the Group’s new Charter of Sustainability Commitments. This policy document defines Generali’s position regarding sustainability and identifies its commitments towards stakeholders.
The Chairman of Assicurazioni Generali, Gabriele Galateri di Genola, stated: “Underpinning these commitments there is Generali's intention to interpret the reality around us and to understand the transformations affecting our society. A commitment that enables us to adopt those principles and values that promote a sustainable development of our business in the long-term, helping to enhance the lives of both individuals and community as a whole. The Charter confirms Generali's willingness to grow in a sustainable way, pursuing the interest of all its stakeholders and the community where it operates.”
The Charter of Commitments consists of two principle areas of activity. The first refers to running a sustainable business through the Group’s day-to-day activities and the second regards the positive impact Generali aims to create within the community.
In both areas of activity - in line with input gained from listening to and discussing with a wide variety of stakeholders – Generali has identified the main commitments it will adhere to. These start with responding to megatrends which shape the Group’s business and the society, to being the first choice for our clients and valuing our distributors.
The Charter also contains the commitment to: contribute to the dialogue on sustainability in the financial community; build an inspiring place to work; offer an unrivalled service together with our partners; create a tangible impact within the communities Generali operates in; be trusted as a committed corporate Group. Each commitment will be monitored and reported on, within all the business units of the Group on an annual basis.