Two lists filed for the Board of Statutory Auditors

04 April 2014 - 13:57 price sensitive

Trieste, 4 April 2014 – Assicurazioni Generali informs that two lists of candidates have been filed for the appointment of the Company’s Board of Statutory Auditors. One list has been presented by Mediobanca S.p.A., whilst the other by a number of Collective Investment Institutions (CII) headed by Assogestioni.

The appointment of the Board of Statutory Auditors and its Chairman, as well as the determination of the Board’s remuneration, are items on the agenda of the ordinary Shareholders' Meeting summoned on 28 April 2014 (first call) and, if necessary, on 30 April 2014 (second call).

The Mediobanca list is as follows:

Section 1 – Acting auditors:
1.     Lorenzo Pozza
2.     Antonia Di Bella
3.     Maurizio Dattilo

Section 2 – Substitute auditors:
1.     Francesco Di Carlo
2.     Stefania Barsalini

The Assogestioni list is as follows:
Section 1 – Acting auditors:
1.     Carolyn Dittmeier

Section 2 – Substitute auditors:

1.     Silvia Olivotto

The documents required by in-force legislation, consisting inter alia in the candidates’ curriculum vitae, have been released to the public together with the lists and are available at the Company’s Registered office and on the websites of Generali ( and Borsa Italiana S.p.A. (