World Environment Day
Actions to protect the environment
Actions to protect the environment

Air, water, soil, the fauna and the flora are resources that need to be preserved. This is why on 5th June of every year we celebrate World Environment Day-WED. This day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 to spread information and raise awareness on the importance of taking action to promote environmental sustainability on a global level. Over the years, this event has grown to reach a global scale. Today it is celebrated in over 100 countries worldwide. In 2015, the activities listed on the UN's website dedicated to the event were 2,861 and saw the participation of 1.26 million people across the world.
The theme chosen by the UN for this year's WED – Go Wild for Life – aims to increase awareness and promote a global action to safeguard endangered species, such as elephants, tigers and sea turtles. The goal is to motivate people to change their behaviour. By doing so we hope reduce the demand for illegal wild animal products and do everything in our power to stop trade in animals. The extinction of any species, including on a local level, constitutes an erosion of biodiversity, which poses a threat to the natural systems that all of us depend upon. Today, many species are endangered due to factors such as changes in their habitat, pollution and climate change.
By celebrating WED we remind ourselves and others how important it is to take positive actions aimed at protecting the environment: any action – even a small one – matters and can have a positive impact on our planet. As a global player, Generali has an active role in supporting the transition towards a more sustainable economy and society. Generali will continue to monitor and reduce its direct impact and contribute to keeping global warming below 2°C with our products, services and investments, dialoguing and collaborating with Governments and associations, consistently with the declarations of Group Policy for the Environment and the Climate. This is why Generali has decided to join WED and launch a communication and awareness campaign.
Starting from today we are going to publish a series of green tips: effective hands-on suggestions on how to reduce the consumption of energy, water and paper, and promote sustainable mobility management.
Click here to access the 2015 Sustainability Report and find out about other environmental initiatives promoted by the Generali Group.
The Environment, towards a low carbon society

Read and share the infographic on the environment, towards a low carbon society.
What can individuals do?

Read and share the infographic on what the individuals can do.
Climate change

Read and share the infographic on the climate change.
Impacts of climate change

Read and share the infographic on the impacts of climate change.