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Tremble without fear

How to explain what is an earthquake to 300 primary schoolchildren

How to explain what is an earthquake to 300 primary schoolchildren

Remembering and commemorating  the earthquake which struck the  Friuli – Venezia Giulia region (North-East of Italy) 40 years ago, explaining today’s children, who have not lived it personally, what is an earthquake, how to recognize it and what are the activities to be taken to prevent and reduce the risks associated with this phenomenon.

How to explain what is an earthquake to 300 primary schoolchildren

This is the goal of "Tremble without fear," the meeting organized by Generali Group and ICTP, the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics – the world’s first and most important global scientific institution in research and knowledge transfer to emerging and developing countries operating under the aegis of the Italian Government, the IAEA and UNESCO - with the participation of nearly  300 primary school children accompanied by their grandparents and their teachers.

Thanks to documentaries and educational presentations, children were taken on a path of knowledge aimed at improving their understanding of earthquakes, developing a culture of prevention and creating an awareness of actions to be followed  in case of earthquake.

How to explain what is an earthquake to 300 primary schoolchildren - Tremble without fear