Responsible Employer

Far away, so close

Demographic trends, welfare and pensions

Demographic trends, welfare and pensions

Innovating means enhancing people’s lives. It is not surprising that people’s life expectancy is higher in the more productive areas of the planet, there where the stimulus for innovation is stronger. But, paradoxically, prosperity and a better quality of life can damage the economy as they go hand in hand with higher life expectancy and lower fertility rates, producing a displacement between the assets needed to guarantee a pension to those who have retired and those still in work. A difficult situation that will only deteriorate: in advanced economies, a third of the workforce could retire within a decade, a figure set to rise to 40-50% in the next 20 years. In this context, the supplementary pension is what private companies like Generali offer their clients who over time want to put small amounts of money aside for a more secure future.

Demographic trends, welfare and pensions - Far away, so close