Deliver on the promise
An unexpected question can produce amusing results, at least initially – and especially if asked in front of a TV camera. But if the question is the right one, it could gradually lead the interviewees to look inside themselves, to remember things that seemed irrelevant until just a few moments before. Then the answers can be emotionally touching.
Keeping a promise might seem like an ordinary thing – one of the many tiny pieces that fit together to make up the lives of people and communities. Yet throughout history, keeping promises has helped to strengthen social ties, improve personal reputations and, last but not least, facilitate business. In an industry like insurance, based on long-term relationships, keeping a promise is at the heart of customer relations.
Generali has made it one of the four core values of the group, with the aim of establishing lasting relationships with employees, clients and stakeholders that are based on mutual trust. So, asking the right question may not only be amusing or touching, it can also provide an opportunity to get to know Generali’s people better.