Respect and trust for colleagues and customers count the most

EMIL VAMBERGER from Generali Zavarovalnica d.d.
I joined the Generalio in 1997 at the invitation of the Director, Luciano Cirina. Having already had a few years of experience in the insurance industry, I was given a challenging task. I was in charge of setting up a network of industrial insurance for companies when Generali entered the Slovenian market. What times! I was one of the first employees, and at that time we could count our colleagues on the fingers of one hand.

Like any challenge, this one was also marked by obstacles that you have to overcome as an individual. It was not an easy start, but now, looking back, I can see how important it was and what it meant for my personal and professional development and for the growth of Generali in Slovenia. New knowledge is the foundation of progress, which is why I did my training first in Vienna and later in Brussels. I was lucky to have excellent mentors from whom I learned a lot and then passed on to new colleagues.

Insurance was growing very fast in Slovenia, so I had the opportunity to work in different areas. After industrial insurance for companies, I worked in international insurance, then in SME insurance and Generali Employee Benefits, and now in corporate insurance and international brokerage. These 24 years have brought me many new people, many new areas and situations, many irreplaceable experiences and many good memories. Business insurance offers a huge range of opportunities to develop, learn, study foreign languages, meet foreign people and experience foreign cultures. The job involves a lot of travelling and international stories and experiences. As a multinational company, the Generali Group offers an immense number of opportunities for international and intercultural cooperation with German- and English-speaking colleagues and, of course, customers from all over the world.

Genuine relationships based on trust and mutual respect have always been important to me and are the solid foundation on which I build my future, both with my colleagues and with my customers. Clients need a partner. A partner they can rely on. And we are that partner, recognised and valued by our customers. It is this feeling of reliability, gratitude, respect and trust that is most valuable! Not only with customers, but also with colleagues - it all starts with us. The key to being a lifelong partner to our customers is the willingness to work well together as a team.

I am proud to have taken on a new challenge 24 years ago! An insurance company with such a long tradition, which has successfully navigated through many turbulent moments in the world's history, shows that it looks to the future, drawing on the experience of the past. Multiculturalism and diversity, which fascinate me most at Generali, allow me to see different perspectives and broaden my horizons with mutual respect.

I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of the great Generali family. At the beginning, I really could not imagine the magnitude of this success story. But I believed in it from day one! My sincere wish is that all our colleagues find a part of themselves in Generali and, together with their story, build our common Generali story.

Spoštovanje in zaupanje do sodelavcev in strank štejeta največ

Generaliju sem se pridružil leta 1997 na povabilo direktorja Luciana Cirinà. Ker sem že imel nekaj let delovnih izkušenj v zavarovalništvu, mi je bila zaupana kar zahtevna naloga. Bil sem zadolžen, da ob vstopu Generalija na slovenski trg zgradim mrežo industrijskih zavarovanj za podjetja. Kakšni časi! Bil sem eden izmed prvih zaposlenih, sodelavce pa smo takrat šteli še na prste ene roke.

Kot vsak izziv, je bil tudi ta zaznamovan z ovirami, ki jih moraš kot posameznik preseči. Začetek ni bil enostaven, a sedaj, ob pogledu nazaj, vidim, kako pomembna je bila prehojena pot in kaj je pomenila za moj osebni in profesionalni razvoj ter rast Generalija v Sloveniji. Novo znanje je temelj napredka, zato sem najprej opravil izobraževanja na Dunaju in kasneje v Bruslju. Imel sem srečo, da sem imel odlične mentorje od katerih sem se veliko naučil in kasneje znanje prenašal na nove sodelavce.

Zavarovalnica je v Sloveniji zelo hitro rasla, zato sem imel priložnost delati na več področjih. Po industrijskih zavarovanjih za podjetja sem nadaljeval delo na področju mednarodnih zavarovanj, nato na zavarovanjih SME in Generali Eployee Benefits, danes pa na področju korporativnih zavarovanj in mednarodnih brokerjev. Veliko novih ljudi, veliko novih področij in situacij, veliko nenadomestljivih izkušenj in lepih spominov se je nabralo in zvrstilo v teh 24 letih. Področje zavarovanj za podjetja ponuja ogromno možnosti za razvoj, učenje, študija tujih jezikov, spoznavanja tujih ljudi in kultur. Delo je povezano z številnimi potovanji in mednarodnimi zgodbami in izkušnjami. Kot multinacionalka ponuja Skupina Generali neizmerno veliko možnosti mednarodnega in medkulturnega sodelovanja z nemško in angleško govorečimi kolegi in seveda strankami iz celega sveta.

Pristni odnosi, ki se gradijo na zaupanju in medsebojnem spoštovanju, so zame vedno bili in so tisti trdni temelj, na katerem gradim prihodnost, tako pri sodelovanju s sodelavci kot s strankami. Stranke potrebujejo partnerja. Partnerja, na katerega se lahko zanesejo. In mi smo ta partner, kar stranke prepoznajo in cenijo. Ravno ta občutek zanesljivosti, hvaležnosti, spoštovanja in zaupanja je vreden največ! Pa ne samo z strankami, temveč tudi z sodelavci – v resnici se vse začne prav med nami. Ključ do vseživljenjskega partnerja za stranke je prav pripravljenost na dobro sodelovanje med sodelavci in naše timsko delo.

Ponosen sem, da sem pred 24 leti sprejel nov izziv! Zavarovalnica s takšno tradicijo, ki je v svoji zgodovini uspešno preplula mnoge svetovne razburkane trenutke, dokazuje, da deluje s pogledom v prihodnost in se ob tem opira na izkušnje iz preteklosti. Multikulturnost in raznolikost, ki me pri Generaliju najbolj fascinirata, omogočata pogled iz različnih perspektiv in širjenje obzorja ob medsebojnem spoštovanju.

Hvaležen sem, da imam možnost biti del velike Generalijeve družine. Na začetku si res nisem predstavljal razsežnosti te uspešne zgodbe. Verjel pa sem vanjo od prvega dne! Vsem sodelavcem zato iskreno želim, da bi pri Generaliju našli del sebe in skupaj z svojo zgodbo gradili našo skupno, Generali zgodbo.