A training programme for a thousand people: Generali Italia
In 2013, with the creation of Generali Italia, we launched the biggest integration programme ever seen in the insurance sector in terms of volume, number of companies involved and implementation timeframe.
The strategic goal was the simplification of the distribution networks, the brands and the products.
In accordance with the group agreements, the integration did not lead to redundancies and the reorganisation of the companies took place as part of the guarantees established in the Statement of Agreement of 27 June 2014 (between Generali Italia and the Management of the Group Trade Union Representatives, with expiry date 31 March 2016), which established the following principles:
- the overall maintenance of employment levels in the country and recourse to non-traumatic solutions, such as the consensual and incentivised termination of job contracts;
- the establishment of agreements in the case of regional mobility as a result of organisational changes;
- for Italy, confirmation of the specialisation of the existing company sites (Mogliano Veneto, Rome, Turin, Milan, Trieste, Genoa, and Chieti);
- support in terms of professional training and retraining;
- possible initiatives for bringing activities in-house.

The programme, which should be concluded by 2016, involves the creation of four centres of excellence organised by business line - Mogliano Veneto for life and corporate P&C, Milan for claims, Rome for non-vehicle, retail and corporate, and Turin for vehicle - with the consequent professional retraining of around 1,000 people.
In support of the process to establish the new organisation, we launched a retraining plan for the new roles, with significant investments. The retraining programme has so far involved 677 employees, providing over 10,200 hours of technical classroom training and 760 hours of e-learning.
The process involved the following phases:
- Change Day - participation in the classroom training day to introduce and explain the changes taking place;
- the filling out of questionnaires on expertise and learning styles by employees, enabling them to acquire new skills;
- formal allocation of an expert tutor to provide employees suitable technical support in the field, guaranteeing certification of the achievement of the business goals established at the start of the course;
- classroom training and e-learning training courses, currently provided for the main repositioning professional families (Vehicle, Corporate P&C, Retail P&C, Life, Administration and Accounts);
- tests for e-learning training.
We also trained over 80 colleagues as loss adjusters through a dedicated training course.