World Environment Day 2017
Today is the World Environment Day, the annual event promoted by the United Nations on June 5 to encourage individual and collective actions that can have a positive impact on the environment.
The WED 2017 theme “Connecting to the nature” invites all citizens to think not only about the direct impact that people’s activities and choices could have on the surrounding nature but also how much everyone’s wellbeing depends at the same time on it.
It is celebrated in over 100 countries through several initiatives aiming at spreading information and raising awareness on the importance and the urgency of taking action to promote environmental sustainability on a global level.
Generali has played in the years an active role in supporting the transition towards a more sustainable economy and society and in April 2017 it confirmed its commitment to reduce the company’s greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2020, in accordance with the Group’s intention to reduce its direct environmental impacts.