CFO Forum: Luigi Lubelli to be the next Forum Chairman
For the first time Generali will chair the Forum

The European Insurance CFO Forum (‘CFO Forum’ created in 2002) is a high-level discussion group formed and attended by the Chief Financial Officers of major European listed, and non-listed, insurance companies. Its aim is to influence the development of financial reporting, value based reporting, and related regulatory developments for insurance enterprises on behalf of its members, who represent a significant part of the European insurance industry.
The CFO forum, a working group comprising the Chief Financial Officers of Europe’s leading insurance companies, has today announced the appointment of Luigi Lubelli as Chairman of the Forum.
Luigi Lubelli has been appointed Group Chief Financial Officer of Assicurazioni Generali in January 2017.
The CFO of Generali Group will take the place of the outgoing Chairman Prudential’s Nic Nicandrou. The CFO Forum meets regularly to discuss papers prepared by working groups made up of representatives from Member companies. Members have a responsibility to ensure a smooth transition to any new financial and regulatory reporting solution for the industry, in particular related to IFRS and Solvency II regimes. The CFO Forum is a visible incarnation of that responsible approach.