2015 sustainability report was presented

The 12th Generali Sustainability Report, approved by the Board on April 5, 2016, was presented during the Annual General Meeting.
The Report gives a complete overview of the sustainability performance of the Group, describing its value creation process, with a specific focus on the well-being of people, on progress and innovation.
The Sustainability Report is aimed at a broad public: anyone that has chosen Generali to fulfil his need for protection, anyone that works with the Group, trusts Generali with his capital or decides to invest in it, anyone that forms part of the communities in which the Group operates and may be interested to get information other than those reported on financial documents.
In its 2015 edition the Report focused in particular on innovation, as a guarantee of value creation in the long-term and to tackle the most important issues of corporate responsibility. Moreover, particular attention was paid to the initiatives promoted by the Group companies in support of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, representing the agenda launched by the United Nations to promote sustainable development by 2030.