One of many highlights – Visit of Philippe Donnet March 8th 2019 in Switzerland

Andreas Krümmel from Generali (Schweiz) Holding AG
Beside all business talks that day, Philippe challenged me in our ‘Innovation Garage’ on a game of ping pong. It was a very close game, the result not really important. All in all, this day with Philippe was a win/win experience for all of us.

Even days later, I was asked whether I let Philippe win…

Of course not…

One of many highlights – Visit of Philippe Donnet March 8th 2019 in Switzerland

Beside all business talks that day, Philippe challenged me in our ‘Innovation Garage’ on a game of ping pong. It was a very close game, the result not really important. All in all, this day with Philippe was a win/win experience for all of us.

Even days later, I was asked whether I let Philippe win…

Of course not…