My Ordinary Career Journey That’s Not So Ordinary to Me

Laurel Laluk from Europ Assistance
I’m so proud to hold the position I do at Generali Global Assistance, and yet, from the outside, it may not seem like anything special. In 2015, I made the move from Vermont down to the D.C. area and was on the hunt for a marketing job. For anyone who’s looked for one, they know there’s this murky area of sales, promotions, and marketing – all disguised as the latter. I went on many interviews, intent on finding one that didn’t feel like I was being pulled into a pyramid scheme, and even told one of my interviewers that I was still determined to find one where I’d be doing actual “marketing.” He laughed and told me I wouldn’t find that, thinking I’d settle for the gimmick he was offering.

I’m so glad I didn’t lose hope. I interviewed with Europ Assistance USA on June 1st, and two short weeks later, I moved some things into an apartment not far from my new office and then began my first day of work the very next day. Since then, my life has changed dramatically, but my constant has been my work (though ironically, we go by Generali Global Assistance, or GGA, now).

I think about the avenues my life could have taken, and I’m so glad I took a path that led me to GGA in 2015. I became a Marketing Coordinator back then, and since then I’ve been given endless opportunities to quite literally find what it is that excites me. I can confidently say that not many people are lucky enough to find that in a career. It’s been 6 years – to the day! – and I’m so proud of the work I create. It excites me, allows me to be creative, pushes me, and drives me – it’s all the things you dream of in a job.

Of course, all of this is possible because of my manager. On June 1st, I sat down in a conference room with a woman in a structured black and white dress with some green in her hair. I admired her then, and I admire her now. It’s because of her that I hold the position I do, and that I’ve honed the skills I have. I also owe it to her for allowing me to find myself, to find what I love (and what I don’t).  She’s created this team that melds together so perfectly.

One of the best parts of my job is the people I work with. My immediate team are close friends. My coworkers across departments are caring and kind. I was brought into an organization that celebrates one another, that works hard and plays hard, and that makes you feel appreciated.

There’s a lot you can do in “a marketing job.” The interviews I had offered a small peak into what other companies’ interpretation is of one. All I know is that GGA offered the perfect one.

My Ordinary Career Journey That’s Not So Ordinary to Me

I’m so proud to hold the position I do at Generali Global Assistance, and yet, from the outside, it may not seem like anything special. In 2015, I made the move from Vermont down to the D.C. area and was on the hunt for a marketing job. For anyone who’s looked for one, they know there’s this murky area of sales, promotions, and marketing – all disguised as the latter. I went on many interviews, intent on finding one that didn’t feel like I was being pulled into a pyramid scheme, and even told one of my interviewers that I was still determined to find one where I’d be doing actual “marketing.” He laughed and told me I wouldn’t find that, thinking I’d settle for the gimmick he was offering.

I’m so glad I didn’t lose hope. I interviewed with Europ Assistance USA on June 1st, and two short weeks later, I moved some things into an apartment not far from my new office and then began my first day of work the very next day. Since then, my life has changed dramatically, but my constant has been my work (though ironically, we go by Generali Global Assistance, or GGA, now).

I think about the avenues my life could have taken, and I’m so glad I took a path that led me to GGA in 2015. I became a Marketing Coordinator back then, and since then I’ve been given endless opportunities to quite literally find what it is that excites me. I can confidently say that not many people are lucky enough to find that in a career. It’s been 6 years – to the day! – and I’m so proud of the work I create. It excites me, allows me to be creative, pushes me, and drives me – it’s all the things you dream of in a job.

Of course, all of this is possible because of my manager. On June 1st, I sat down in a conference room with a woman in a structured black and white dress with some green in her hair. I admired her then, and I admire her now. It’s because of her that I hold the position I do, and that I’ve honed the skills I have. I also owe it to her for allowing me to find myself, to find what I love (and what I don’t).  She’s created this team that melds together so perfectly.

One of the best parts of my job is the people I work with. My immediate team are close friends. My coworkers across departments are caring and kind. I was brought into an organization that celebrates one another, that works hard and plays hard, and that makes you feel appreciated.

There’s a lot you can do in “a marketing job.” The interviews I had offered a small peak into what other companies’ interpretation is of one. All I know is that GGA offered the perfect one.