Generali: Ivass has authorized the extension of the internal Solvency model to Austria and Switzerland
28 November 2018 - 07:40
Trieste - Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A announced that, following the authorization request submitted by the Company, IVASS - the Italian insurance regulatory agency – with its instruction of 19 November 2018, authorized the Company to extend, starting from December, 31, the scope of the Group’s internal model to Generali Versicherung AG (with the exclusion of the Health business), Bawag P.S.K. Versicherung, Generali Assurances Générales SA (exclusively for the calculation of the Group Solvency Capital Requirement) and Generali Personenversicherung AG (exclusively for the calculation of the Group Solvency Capital Requirement).
The extension of the internal model to Austria and Switzerland entails an improvement of the Group Regulatory Solvency Ratio by approximately 15 percentage points.