SME EnterPRIZE, Generali France announces the national winners of the project’s second edition
Recognized for their sustainability commitment in the presence of Olivia Grégoire, Minister Delegate in charge of SMEs, Trade, Crafts and Tourism, the six companies are also shortlisted for the SME EnterPRIZE Sustainability Hero recognition, which will be announced at the international event in Brussels on October 26th

Generali France announced the national winners of the second edition of SME EnterPRIZE, Generali’s project designed to promote a culture of sustainability among European SMEs.
Six French companies were awarded for their initiatives contributing to an inclusive and green economy during an event held at the French Ministry for Economy and Finance, under the patronage of Minister Bruno Le Maire and in the presence of Olivia Grégoire, Minister Delegate in charge of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Trade, Craft Industry and Tourism.
154 SMEs from every sector and region of the country submitted their application; Scop Citel, Cycle Terre, and Myfood were awarded prizes across 3 distinct categories – Welfare, Environment and Community – while Laine & Compagnie, Le Mirazur and Le Bocal Local won the “Jury’s Choice Award”, the “Generali’s Choice Award”, and the “THSN’s Choice Award” respectively.
The national winners are automatically shortlisted for the pan-European SME EnterPRIZE event to be held in Brussels on 26th October 2022 when they will come together with the other nominees from each of the 9 participating countries for the grand finale.
Jean-Laurent Granier, CEO of Generali France, said: “The SME market is the foundation of our economy in France and in Europe. SMEs are powerful drivers of innovation and can contribute to an increase in sustainability initiatives within their communities: employees, suppliers, customers. The SME EnterPRIZE recognition clearly shows our desire to become a champion of sustainability as an insurer, investor, employer, and company. We believe it is our duty to engage all our stakeholders in our commitment.”
Régis Lemarchand, member of the Generali France Executive Committee, in charge of the Professional and Corporate P&C market, said: “Thanks to the active contribution of our commercial networks, we were able to discover the actions undertaken by the SMEs that are most committed to sustainable growth. We are keen to highlight those who work daily for a more sustainable economy, and we have been supporting their risk management policies for nearly 20 years to strengthen their resilience and performance. With SME EnterPRIZE, we promote the winner’s initiatives by providing them with visibility, hoping to encourage all companies on the way to sustainability.”
In the framework of the SME EnterPRIZE initiative, Generali has also recently launched a strategic partnership with European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME aimed at further reinforcing the sustainability, competitiveness and innovation of European SMEs.