December - January

Community First
- CONTEMPORARY SCENARIOS - Fast & Furious? The temporal challenge of Velocity
- CONTEMPORARY SCENARIOS - Millennial’s expectations and the redesign of the insurance experience
- VIEWPOINTS - Fair Play Leadership
We, Generali
- INTERVIEW - Insurance in a fast-moving world — Interview with Frédéric de Courtois
- OVERVIEW - Simpler, Smarter. Faster
- LEGAL BACKGROUND - Law on the web
Business & Strategy
- CONTEMPORARY SCENARIOS - Automotive Velocity
- INTERVIEW - Driving for Velocity in international healthcare — Interview with Marco Giacomelli
- STORIES - A dream in Venice. First step, the Royal Gardens
- SPOTLIGHT - The paradox of memory
- SPOTLIGHT - Keeping pace with change
- STORIES - Generali going global. Strategies and data in the Habsburg era

Community First
- CONTEMPORARY SCENARIOS - Beyond the fridge
- VIEWPOINTS - How the network changed our working culture
- VIEWPOINTS - The next frontier for smartphones
We, Generali
- OVERVIEW - New Ways of Working
- VIEWPOINTS - The connectivity revolution and connected insurance
- LEGAL BACKGROUND - The challenging opportunities of the connected insurance world
Business & Strategy
- INTERVIEW - Microsoft partnership — Interview with Carlo Purassanta
- SPOTLIGHT - Success stories
- CONTEMPORARY SCENARIOS - Can the Internet become truly global?
- STORIES - A century of connections in historic cafes