Generali at the heart of everything I do
As a 22-year-old student at the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, I wanted to earn some pocket money for the summer holidays and decided to apply for the competition that Delta Generali Insurance was running for young people at the time. After tests and several interviews, I was accepted for the position of contact centre operator, responsible for reporting damage to motor vehicles by telephone. Overjoyed with this opportunity, I spent days studying Generali through the website and the documents available, so that even before starting work I knew a lot about insurance, products and the values that the company holds dear. My first day at work was a bit confusing: instead of going to the contact centre, an unintentional mistake landed me in the administration department, where my day was reduced to putting policies in envelopes and sending them to customers at their address. When the mistake was discovered and I was asked to return to the Contact Centre, and my time there was extended because I excelled at packing envelopes, they kept me on for a few more days.
After that, this story is history. I was totally fascinated by the customers I spoke to for three years as a contact centre agent. I didn't even think about summer holidays or temporary work. My goal was to learn, develop and progress, because Generali was the company where I wanted to make my career. I enjoyed solving customers' problems, suggesting activities to improve processes and socialising with experienced colleagues. The 12 of us girls were (and still are) a real little Generali family. I was always told that hard work pays off and I was lucky enough to feel it in my skin. After working as an agent for three years, I was given the opportunity to take over the management of the contact centre as a supervisor. Since I already knew the soul of the customers and the company, I spent two years in this position developing my leadership and management skills. Another invaluable experience...
The results are in, along with my further improvements, progress and rewards. All this time has been dedicated exclusively to customers and guided by our motto "Customers at the heart of everything we do". Now I can proudly say that I have been responsible for Generali osiguranje's customer experience for five years, and for marketing activities for a month.
Although I am not in the profession for which I was trained, I have no regrets. if I had to start my life all over again, I would do the same and choose the same paths.
Dear Generali, I don't know what the next 190 years will bring us, but what I am sure of is that you will be in my heart no matter what I do.

Read the story in original language
Generali u srcu svega što radim
14.05.2021. će biti mojih prvih 10 godina rada u Generali Osiguranju Srbija. I ne samo u Generaliju, nego uopšte. Moj prvi posao, prvo profesionalno iskustvo i prva ljubav. A kako je sve počelo...
Kao 22-ogodišnji student Fakulteta za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, želela sam da brzo zaradim džeparac za letovanje i odlučila da se prijavim na konkurs koji je tada Delta Generali Osiguranje raspisalo za omladince. Nakon testiranja i nekoliko intervjua, primljena sam na poziciju operatera Kontakt centra koji će biti zadužen za prijavu šteta na motornim vozilima telefonskim putem. Presrećna zbog pružene šanse, danima sam izučavala kompaniju Generali putem web stranice i dostupne dokumentacije, tako da sam i pre početka rada znala dosta o osiguranju, proizvodima i vrednostima koje kompanija neguje. Moj prvi radni dan je bio po malo konfuzan, umesto u Kontakt centru, nenamernom greškom sam završila u administraciji gde mi se dan sveo na pakovanje polisa u koverte i slanje klijentima na adresu. Kada je greška utvrđena i stigla molba da me ipak vrate u Kontakt centar, i to je prolongirano pošto sam se sjajno pokazala u pakovanju koverti, ipak su me zadržali još koji dan.
Nakon toga, ova priča postaje istorija. Potpuno su me opčinili klijenti sa kojima sam tri godine razgovorala kao agent Kontakt centra. O letovanju i privremenom poslu više nisam ni razmišljala. Moj cilj je bio učiti, razvijati se i napredovati jer je Generali kompanija u kojoj sam htela da ostvarim karijeru. Uživala sam rešavajući probleme klijenata, predlagajući aktivnosti za unapređenje procesa i družeći se sa iskusnim kolegama. Nas 12 devojaka smo bili prava mala Generali porodica (i dalje smo). Uvek su mi govorili da se trud i rad isplati i imala sam tu sreću da na svojoj koži to i osetim. Nakon tri godine rada kao agent, dobila sam priliku da preuzmem vođenje Kontakt centra na poziciji Supervizora. Kako sam već poznavala dušu klijenata ali i kompanije, na ovoj poziciji sam se dve godine usavršavala u liderskim i rukovodećim veštinama. Neprocenjivo iskustvo takođe...
Rezultati su se nizali, sa njima i moja dalja usavršavanja, napredovanja i nagrade. Sve vreme posvećena isključivo klijentima i vodeći se onom našom „Customers at the heart of everything we do“. Sada, sa ponosom mogu da kažem da sam već pet godina zadužena za iskustvo klijenata Generali osiguranja, a od pre mesec dana i za marketing aktivnosti.
Iako se ne bavim strukom za koju sam se školovala, nisam se pokajala. Da ponovo život krene ispočetka, sve bih isto radila i iste bih puteve birala.
Dragi Generali, ne znam šta nam donosi narednih 190 godina, ali ono u šta sam sigurna je da ćeš TI biti u mom srcu šta god ja radila.