Dimissioni del Presidente Cesare Geronzi
06 aprile 2011 - 17:37 price sensitive
Assicurazioni Generali said that, after careful reflection, the company Chairman, Cesare Geronzi, had decided, as a result of the situation that has developed owing to differences that prevent his involvement in Generali, to resign today from the post of Chairman and board member, in the greater interest of the company.
In accepting Mr Geronzi’s decision with regret, the Board of Directors expressed its gratitude for his contribution in his time as Chairman, made with dedication and respect for the institution, and its appreciation for the particular sensitivity and great sense of responsibility displayed in taking this step, which is intended to have a favourable influence on the climate in the company.
Mr Geronzi will maintain his post as President of the Assicurazioni Generali Foundation.