Travel into the past

Travel into the past

On 13 and 18 of November more than 2.000 students visited the archaeological collection ‘Roots of the present’ of Assicurazioni Generali, located in Piazza Venezia, Rome, during the event “FAI – Italian Heritage Conservation Fund morning days for the schools”.

The FAI initiative has the aim of bringing young people closer to the history and the culture of the place, primary, middle and high school students took a guided tour and were also accompanied by apprentice tour guides (Apprendisti Ciceroni® in Italian).


Travel into the past


The students from Rome were invited to visit the Marcellus Theatre followed by a tour that allowed them to explore the urbanistic planning, the didactical museum ‘Roots of the present’, located in front of the Fori Imperiali and the Colonna Traiana. Moreover, the event allowed to visit the museum halls that since 2012 have been exhibiting a 300 item-archaeological collection from Imperial Rome mainly unearthed during the excavations for the foundations of the Generali building.


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