Shares history 1952

The ordinary and extraordinary shareholders’ meetings held on 30 June 1952 voted to increase the company’s share capital from ITL 6 billion to ITL 8 billion by increasing the nominal value of the shares from ITL 3,000 to ITL 4,000 each, with dividend rights from 1 January 1952.
The increase, which was carried out free of charge by withdrawing the related amount from the “Monetary Adjustment Revaluation Reserve”, was recorded on the share certificates with a stamp.
This resolution was ratified by the Civil and Criminal Courts of Rome by decree No. 3601 of 4 August 1952, filed with the Clerk of that Court on 6 August 1952, registered under No. 1136/47 of the Company Register, inserted in folder No. 258/21 and published in the Official Journal No. 64 of 12 August 1952.